
New updates and improvements to Iteration X
May 30, 2024

Issues Relationship

We've just released a new feature in Iteration X : Issues Relationship.

This will allow you to define relationships between issues, specifying if an issue is a parent, sub-issue, related to, blocking, blocked, or a duplicate of another issue.

This enhancement aims to improve project organization and workflow efficiency.

May 28, 2024


We’ve released sub-issues in Iteration X.

This will allow you to break down larger issues into smaller, more manageable ones.

Sub-issues are the perfect solution for managing tasks, whether an issue is too big to be managed in one piece or needs to be divided among collaborators

Sub-issues operate independently, each with its own assignee, labels, due dates and status. 

You can manually change the order of the sub-issues inside the parent issue and even change the parent

This enables enhanced collaboration as work can be easily distributed among team members, while maintaining clarity and efficiency in your workflow.

By breaking down complex issues into simpler parts, you can keep your projects well-structured and organized.

May 21, 2024


You can now select multiple issues from the list and apply the desired actions to all of them at once.

This feature allows you to efficiently handle multiple issues simultaneously.

Simply select the desired issues and carry out actions like changing status, priority, assignee, adding labels, adjusting due dates, moving issues between projects, adding them to cycles, or deleting them.

It offers a seamless way to optimize your workflow!

May 17, 2024

Issue grouping

Issue grouping allows you to organize issues by Status, Priority, Assignee, or Project; this way, you have the flexibility to customize your views according to your specific needs and workflows.

Simply click on the 'Custom Views' button located at the top right corner of the issues list to organize issues according to your preferences.

You can also save your customized views for easy access later!

May 16, 2024


Introducing Cycles in Iteration X!

Commonly known as Sprints in Agile methodologies, Cycles optimize project planning, allowing you to set clear start and end dates.

You can create new issues or add existing ones to your Cycles, and track progress through clear timelines and dynamic percentage completion indicators.

This feature enables better monitoring of your team’s progress and performance toward your goals within defined periods.

May 1, 2024

Notion Integration

Have all your knowledge base in Notion?

With the new Notion integration on Iteration X, you can now sync specific pages to provide your ITX-copilot with deeper context on your projects.

Here's how it works:

Configure the Notion integration by authenticating and selecting the pages you want to connect to Iteration X.

Access them directly from your Iteration X team document tab for seamless collaboration.

Your ITX Copilot will have access to these selected pages, enabling even more insightful assistance.

April 26, 2024

GitHub Integration

Introducing our new GitHub Integration for Iteration X!

It's designed to simplify your workflow by synchronizing GitHub pull requests and Iteration X issues seamlessly.

Here's how it works:

Configure the Github integration by authenticating and selecting the repos you want to connect to Iteration X, once done your collaborators can start linking pull requests to issues in Iteration X.

Set your workflow by connecting your GitHub pull requests to Iteration X issues for automatic status updates as your PR move from Open/Drafted to Merge.
No more manual updates needed!

Just assign an Iteration X status to each GitHub pull request status, and you're good to go.

Use the issues ID in the pull request title before creating the PR to seamlessly link them to Iteration X issues.

April 25, 2024

Similar Issues

Iteration X now instantly shows potential duplicates when creating a new issue, right from the new issue modal. No more wasted time, cluttered backlog or confusion.

April 9, 2024

Create Labels From Dropdown in Issues Panel

You can now create labels right from the labels dropdown in your issues panel! No need to navigate to the teams settings anymore.

This makes it quicker to add labels while creating issues.

For more detailed settings, you can still access the settings page to manage labels.

Enjoy the enhanced label management experience!

March 25, 2024


We're thrilled to announce a brand new upgrade to your favorite project management app and issue tracker : the Inbox.

With our latest update, you'll never miss a thing in your projects. Here's what the Inbox brings to the table:

  1. Stay Informed: Receive real-time notifications within the Iteration X app for any project activity you're involved in.
  2. Instant Updates: Get notified when someone creates an issue, assigns one to you, mentions you in a comment, or comments on an issue you're subscribed to.
  3. Effortless Collaboration: Seamlessly track project progress and collaborate with your team members without any communication gaps.

Improvements and fixes

  • Added issues prefix.
  • Fix a bug preventing the chrome extension working on website in Arabic.
  • Fix some integrations sync issues.
  • Fix redirection issues.
February 29, 2024

Video Bug Capture Feature

Quick Capture just got better with video bug capture!

In addition to being able to automatically create issues from screenshots in 1 click, you can now do the same with video recordings as well.

You have access to three options : 'Record current tab', 'Record window', or 'Record desktop' to automatically create an issue with an attached video recording that will replay whatever bug you'd like to capture.

This will enable engineers to recreate bugs much faster, and will make documenting and resolving issues easier on the whole team.

Improvements and fixes:

- Added an option to filter by projects when browsing the All issues tab in a team.
- Added the 'Unassigned' value in the Assignee filter.
- Added the ability to remove a label when clicking on it in the issue view.
- Fix a bug where deleted projects were still visible on the left menu.
- Assignees are now ordered alphabetically.
- Added the ability to quote the comments.
- Other small fixes and improvements.

February 7, 2024


Another major release from the Iteration X team!

Welcome to Documents, the native document management tool in Iteration X.

You can now create Documents at the team level, or directly in your projects, to store information on your task management application and give the ITX AI Copilot direct access to your knowledge base.

This can be anything from product roadmaps to feature releases to performance metrics; the AI Copilot can use all that data to help you solve issues and deliver projects faster.

This works both ways! You can also ask the ITX Copilot to create Documents based on issue descriptions or comments.

February 5, 2024

ITX AI-Copilot

Iteration X is launching a brand new product today : ITX AI Copilots!

The ITX AI-Copilot is accessible from the issue detail page. Simply click on @itx in the comment field to start a conversation with an advanced AI co-pilot, who is directly embedded into your team, projects and tasks.

Today, the ITX Copilot can:
- Read and create documents and use them as long-term memory when answering queries or making suggestions
- Remember data from past conversations
- Launch multiple web searches in parallel
- Write and execute Python code
- Answer advanced questions through follow-up conversations
- Analyze images and quick captures attached to your issues
- Facilitate task creation by suggesting the best task assignee, label, or status
- Create labels, update priorities, statuses and due dates based on prompts
- Write and update detailed issue descriptions by following your own internal best practices and templates

The list of skills and capabilities is only going to grow, so keep trying new use cases!

January 10, 2024

Rich text options

The description and the comments fields now support rich text, so you can create well-documented issues following the templates of your choice. Your bug reports will never look untidy ever again.

You can add bullet points, check boxes, style the text, change the alignment and include code snippets. Keep experimenting with character combinations to uncover some tiny easter eggs!

December 21, 2023

Move issues between projects

It happens to the best of us: you create a series of issues and capture bugs left and right, and a few of them end up attached to the wrong project.

With this latest release, you can now move issues between projects within the same team to help you stay organized and give you an accurate project-level view of the work to be done.

December 13, 2023

Advanced filters

Your issues can now be viewed with an advanced filter.

We've enhanced the search capabilities with the integration of advanced filters and Boolean operators, allowing for precise issue discovery tailored to your exact needs.

You'll be able to look for issues and projects based on assignees, dates, priority, as well as all the custom statuses and labels available in your team settings.

December 5, 2023

Due Dates

You can now set a due date to issues in Iteration X projects to help you keep track of the work done and easily manage deadlines.

This also means that you can ask the ITX Copilot to help you prioritize and escalate issues based on their urgency, and allocate resources more efficiently.

November 22, 2023

Custom labels

Another release from your new favorite issue tracker: You can now add labels to issues to facilitate project management and task organization. The Free plan comes with 3 labels for your team!

To add labels, simply go to Team settings > Labels.

Don't forget to check out our paid plans for access to more custom labels, statuses, and more!

November 13, 2023

Custom statuses

Issues now have a default list of statuses including : Backlog, Todo, In Progress, In Review, Done, Canceled and Duplicate.

To add more statuses or update the default ones, simply go to Team settings > Statuses.

Don't forget to check out our paid plans for access to more custom labels, statuses, and more!

November 3, 2023

Iteration X now integrates with

We're thrilled to share that Iteration X has joined the list of native integrations offered by! 🎉

In addition to our current integrations with Jira, Linear, and Asana, you can now effortlessly link Iteration X with thousands of other tools using our integration, starting with your preferred project management platforms, including Trello, Notion, Monday, and Clickup.

Not to mention, you can also easily export your issues into CSV reports, Google Sheets, or Airtable projects, making reporting on projects that much easier.

October 16, 2023

Introducing Video Captures

New Feature Release: Video Captures Now Available in Iteration X 🎉
You can now record your screen and share it as a new issue in seconds.
Hit the 'Record screen' button whenever you need to share a bug or issue that requires a video to be communicated such as flows, interactions or animations.
This new feature is designed to help you give more context to your captured issues, without the need to switch between tools to do it.
The introduction of the Video Capture feature aligns with our mission to build and ship better products, faster.
We believe this feature will significantly reduce the time spent on bug reporting and all types of feedback, allowing you to allocate your valuable time to focus on building and shipping.

Improvements and Fixes

- Implement a new onboarding.
- Implement new modals and redesign existing ones.
- Implement new designs for sign up page, team cover and project cover.
- Rename roles.
- Remove sidebar in IE & Firefox.
- Reorganize the issues page layout.
- Implement new permissions regarding locked projects.
- Add new CTA to download the app and to upgrade plans.

June 26, 2023

New Project Management Center

Discover the new Project Management Center, a central place from where you can manage your projects and issues without switching tabs or tools!

✅ You have now access to an overview of all the projects you’re currently working on, from the side bar, you can:

- Create new projects.
- Access your recent projects.
- View your issues.
- Manage your new invitations.
- Search for any project from our search bar.

✅ When you select a project, you have an overview of all the relevant information you need:

- A project cover.
- Website URL.
- List of members with their permissions.
- Number of open issues and resolved ones.

✅ You can now invite more collaborators and manage the settings of your projects right from one place.

✅ When clicking on the Issues tab in your Project Management Center, you have directly access to you issues list, where you can browse you issues and manage them.

Clicking on an issue, now opens a panel in the right side of your screen where you can check all the technical information about the issue, you can assign issues, set priorities and mark issues as resolved.

The new Project Management Center is meant to be a central place where project members can collaborate to fix issues faster without the need to switch tabs or tools anymore.

May 16, 2023

Capture issues on Tablet and Mobile

You asked for it, we built it for you! 👉 you can now capture issues on Tablet and Mobile directly from your Chrome Browser.

✅ Either resize your chrome window and capture issues on Tablet or Mobile view.
✅ Or use the dev tool in your Chrome browser to choose the exact device you want to capture issues in.

May 4, 2023

New draggable Quick Access Menu

You can now drag and move the Quick Access Menu along the left part of the screen in case it hides something you wanted to capture.

April 15, 2023


Improvements and Fixes

  • Integrations fields are now persistent across projects.
  • Added Jira advanced issue types.
  • Added assignee and project fields in Linear integration.
  • Added assignee field to Asana integration.
  • Website now redirect to the app when logged in.
  • Updated account menu.

March 23, 2023

Integrations V2

With our new integrations, you can now capture issues with their full context is seconds and send them directly to your preferred tool to enhance your existing workflow. You can follow the status of the issue directly from Iteration X with our 2-way-synchronization.

February 20, 2023

Iteration X V2 is live!

The new Iteration X is now live and open to all! Capture and share issues in-context on any website in seconds, effortlessly collaborate on them and fix them fast.

February 15, 2023

Emoji reactions

React to your co-workers' comments with emojis to quickly communicate.

February 15, 2023

Issue ownership

You can now assign issues to collaborators directly from the issue details page, they get directly notified that they have an issue to manage. Share the workload with your team effortlessly.

February 15, 2023

Issue activity

In the Issue details page, you can view the detailed activity log, including the slightest changes that ever happens for each issue, whenever one of you or one of your team members set priority, assign, mark as resolved, attach a file or edit the issue, it automatically reflect in the issue log so all collaborators are always up to date.

February 15, 2023

Issue priority

Assign a low, medium, high or urgent priority to an issue to triage your issues and focus on what’s important now.

February 15, 2023

Issue status

You can mark issues as resolved in one click so you can focus on what’s left to do and keep track of what has been done.

February 15, 2023

My issues

View all your issues and filter them by status (Resolved or Open) and relevance to you, across all your projects. You can choose to see only the issues that you've created or only the issue that was assigned to you etc... Your call!

February 15, 2023

Open graph preview

Get a preview when sharing an issue link on the web: it's as simple as sharing a screenshot but much more powerful.

February 15, 2023

Quick capture

Capture an issue and get a shareable link in 2 seconds.

February 15, 2023

Responsive dashboard - mobile

Navigate and manage your issues and projects from your phone.

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